Design school
About me
In 2018 I graduated from Wayup web design school. At school we drew page layouts. We developed an aesthetic taste, learned to observe design hygiene, and practiced artistic skills.
Since we did not come across real business-cases, I made the layouts so that it was pleasant to "hold them in hand".
Design hygiene exercise. The objective is to design a landing page, paying full attention to details: paddings, margins, alignment of blocks and sections.
A landing page for a flower shop
Style exercise. Our client is a law firm. We should choose colors, fonts, details to make pages look conclusive and trustfull. Make pages look coherent and consistent.
Website for a law firm. Pages: main page, about the company, about empoloyees, company's news
Substance exercise. We should design just first screens of stores so that the one who sees them gets a clear understanding what he could get on the webpage.
First screen for a shoes store
First screen for a store that sells smart devices
First screen for a store that sells funiture
I sometimes draw things for myself or as a gift to friends. I could draw you if you will :-)